Ban Soda From All Schools?

Where do I stand on soda in schools? Here in Canada, we call it pop (I think that is because of the sound it makes when you take the top off or it is short for popular). I am totally for banning poison from schools. My Mother uses Coca-Cola to clean her toilet bowl. If it will clean porcelain imagine what it is doing to your stomach. There is also the fact that most teenagers drink regular cola with sugar, not that I think sugar-free is any better, aspartame has all it’s documented side effects too. Again, I believe that it has to start at home; if the parents are bringing pop home, of course, the children will be drinking it at school.

I believe that pop can be an addiction like drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. In the apartment building that I live in, there is a pop addiction among adults. People cart it in 2 liters at a time and pour it over their cornflakes (this is for real). When they get thirsty they think that pop is going to quench their thirst, but how wrong they are. It does the same thing as the coffee it dehydrates you.

Here in Vancouver, BC Canada, we have the best water, which comes directly from our tap, you don’t even need to filter it. I know that in many cities in the U.S. the quality is poor, but next time your kids want a “soda” buy a bottle or gallon of water, in the end, your body and theirs will appreciate it.

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