What Happened to 2007?


We just finish with Festivas, Hanukah, Solstice and now New Year’s Eve is upon us. How did that happen? I barely had anytime for last years resolutions and now it’s time to make new ones. I say, why bother making any if you know you won’t be able to keep them. Perhaps, we should make ones that we know we’ll be able to keep, like to smoke more, eat more red meat, and eat more sweets and to gain weight. I think the goal is to make realistic ones, and not ones that have to do with quitting or losing something. Make one that perhaps involves joining a creative writing, or music group. Mine is to organize a guitar workshop via Facebook. Happy New Year and go out and do something interesting or fun in 2008.

One quick note, the other night when I was over at my friend Anne’s place for dinner I discovered a great pink sparkling Australian wine called “Pink”. It will only set you back around 12 dollars CND. So if you are looking for something to put into your glass as you ring in the new year give it a try. It also comes in yellow, if you think pink is too girly.

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